Interpersonal hypnotherapy SESSIONS

Interpersonal Hypnotherapy sessions take you to the root cause of your present-day issue. Whatsapp me at +1 321.989.7268 or schedule your free consultation. I look forward to hearing from you.

What if my mind interferes with the process?

The mind is ever-present, but I make sure that it is relaxed through physical and mental relaxation techniques. Your mind becomes a mere witness to the process, which allows you to receive the deeper information. Your inner senses will awaken and profound connections will arise within you.

If you notice your mind is interfering, we will take some time to offer reassurance and invite it again to relax. The only necessity is your desire to begin the journey. When you are willing and committed to the process, the conscious mind will effortlessly give way for the powerful part of you to arise.

What is the higher self?

I like to think of the higher self as a bridge connecting our embodied physical selves to our divine selves. It’s the portion of us that stays between the manifested world and the invisible spiritual realm. In my own experiences, I’ve witnessed the higher self sending out a portion of its light, which dwells within our inner heart behind or directly below our physical heart. 

Our higher self is ourselves unbounded, unlimited by the constraints of our body, physical mind, and all its sticky emotions. The higher self guides the whole session. Through it, we fetch the soul essence of the baby, which is the baby’s higher self dwelling in the space of wisdom and unconditional love.

What is the inner child?

Taken collectively, the emotional and behavioral patterns related to childhood are sometimes referred to as “the inner child.”

Can I bring a friend or relative with me to the session?

This process is very personal. Having other people in the room can alter the dynamics and content of the session, so all sessions are one-on-one. 

My job is to hold you in a sacred, safe, and non-judgmental space. Along with this, I give you my vow of absolute confidentiality. Anything that arises in your session is treated with love and respect, and remains between us.

I also offer this session to fathers or anyone else in the family who wants to connect with the soul essence of the baby and understand their unique dynamics with the child. Again, these sessions are highly personal and private.

At the end of our session, you are free to share anything you want with others.

How do I prepare for my session?

Make sure you eat and rest well the night before. Our session could be as long as 3 to 4 hours, so make sure you have a nourishing meal beforehand. You will be free to drink and use the bathroom as needed.

If our session is virtual, you must have a well-working external microphone and earphones so that we can hear each other clearly. I do not conduct sessions using a built-in microphone, as they can be challenging to hear when the body is lying down away from the device. I will also need to be able to see your upper body during the session. 

Please ensure you are in a quiet space where you will be undisturbed during the session and that you make your space as comfortable as possible, using blankets, pillows, or anything else that will help you to relax.


I look forward to supporting you at this time via online Interpersonal Hypnotherapy sessions. To ensure maximum comfort, ease, and effectiveness of your sessions, please become familiar with the information on this page.

Basic Requirements

To benefit most fully from your sessions:

  • You must be proficient in English or Spanish, and
  • You must not be under the influence of drugs, alcohol or antipsychotic medications.

Cancellation Policy

Please make sure you’ll be able to attend your session at the booked day and time. If my current schedule doesn’t accommodate your time-zone, please contact me and I will do my best to offer alternate arrangements.

If you need to cancel or reschedule your session, you must do so at least 72 hours before your scheduled time. I do not offer refunds for cancellations within three days of your scheduled session.

Also, you must arrive on the Zoom link within ten minutes of your scheduled session start-time. If you do not, then the session will be canceled and there will be no refund.

Exceptions to the cancellation policy: If you need to reschedule due to sudden illness or a natural disaster, please contact me.

PREPARATION FOR YOUR ONLINE interpersonal hypnotherapy SESSION

To set the stage for the most effective and enjoyable session, here’s what you need to know …

Technical Requirements

  • Use a plugged laptop or tablet with the camera facing the upper part of your body. (Please place any nearby cell phones on airplane mode, or turn them off completely.)
  • You must have a fast internet connection.
  • You must have the zoom application installed on your computer.
  • You must have a good working headset with a microphone. I need to be able to hear you clearly at all times during our session.
  • Be sure to arrange your device in a way that will remain undisturbed if you need to move or get up to use the restroom.

Location of the Session

I see clients who are located all over the world, I usually hold sessions online yet we can meet in person if you happen to be in my area or are willing to travel there. Sometimes, I might be able to travel to you, if so, extra fees would apply.

  • Find a quiet space in your home, where you will not be interrupted by people or pets during the Zoom session.
  • Bring pillows, blankets, and anything else that will make you feel comfortable. You may also have a cup of warm water or herbal tea nearby (avoid caffeinated beverages).

Please Note

  • No other people should be in the room or listening on the call with you during the session.
  • Audio or video recording of your session is not permitted.


    1. Set an intention to have a transformative session, at the same time, remain open minded, relaxed and spacious for your experience to unravel as it needs to.
    2. Get a good night’s sleep. You need to be alert, clear and able to focus and follow my guidance and suggestions, this is not easy when you are tired and unable to focus or stay awake.
    3. Eat and drink intelligently. Limit your use of caffeine before your session, so your body will be able to relax. Since your session may last for three or four hours, it’s good to eat a light wholesome meal before.
    4. After your session: Drink plenty of water. Eat a nourishing wholesome meal. Spend some time alone in nature if you can. Avoid intense activity for the hours following your session; instead, allow for integration in silence
    experience soul connections
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