Prepare for birth and motherhood by connecting with your inner wisdom and the soul essence of your baby

Feel embraced and empowered by the energy of the child you’re bringing into the world.

Understand present-day challenges such as a breech position, a high-risk pregnancy, fertility or illness from a higher perspective.

Experience the magnificence of your baby’s soul.

“Rosemary is a beautiful soul of a woman – she created a bridge between me and my soul on a really kind and sensitive level. The work with her helped me heal old wounds, we were able to clear a lot of old energy blockages together. It was a pleasure to work with her in that way. She can help you connect with souls, she helps you heal relationships and to let go of old things that no longer serve you. Thank you for holding my space for so long and thank you for being here with your presence.”

  Malin Manzoni 

“Rosemary’s caring presence and guidance deeply enriched our journey into parenthood. She provided invaluable resources, such as breastfeeding support and a postpartum guide, which empowered us as we prepared for our baby. During our Soul Connections session, I connected with the spirit of my baby, which brought me a sense of peace which helped me embrace motherhood. Throughout our longer-than-expected labor, Rosemary’s warmth and compassionate support transformed potentially overwhelming moments into a beautiful and empowering experience. She intuitively knew when to offer a gentle touch, an encouraging word, or just a reassuring smile, creating a safe, nurturing environment. Thanks to her, we were able to focus on each moment and find beauty in the struggle. We are deeply grateful for the love and wisdom she brought to our birth experience.”

  Nidia and Ade Cox 

“I felt the immenseness and depth of the love [my daughter] has for me and the love a child has for its mother, and its parent. It’s funny because as a parent you know now much you love your children, and yet sometimes you don’t really think about how much they love you. You don’t fully receive their love for you. And getting in that moment to really feel and understand, and be completely surrounded by this beautiful feeling of love was very beautiful and impactful. A really treasured moment of my experience and something I have carried with me. Watch Video

  Karen Abe 

“I had the chance to experience a soul connection session with Rosemary and I absolutely recommend it! Connecting with the essence of my unborn baby was such a powerful, sacred and magical journey. Rosemary’s way of holding space and guiding sacred journeys is uncanny. It is definitely a unique experience to meet on such a deep level, and then connect the dots when you meet your baby in the Earth plane. I recommend it to all women willing to forge a sacred relationship with their child from a new paradigm.”

  Kahina Bouaissi 

“I am so pleased and grateful that we decided to hire Rosemary as our doula for our second home birth. In the weeks leading up to our son’s birth, Rosemary sent along specially customized meditations for me to listen to based on my needs and feelings. She was also there to hold space and offer evidence based advice when I passed my estimated due date by a week. We had a Soul Connection session a few days before my EDD, and I saw a vision of my baby in the water several times throughout the session. Sure enough, this is where he was born on his birthing day. Rose was able to seamlessly include my partner in the comfort measures she was taking, and truly, she made me feel safe and comfortable. During birth I navigated so many emotions, and Rose held space for them all— gracefully supporting me with words of affirmation, through massage/ use of pressure points, and by ensuring my birth wishes were upheld. She is the advocate and supportive presence I needed, and I would recommend her to everyone and anyone seeking a doula.”

  Simone Sylvester 

“It felt almost like a portal had been opened…very delicate yet also very strong, and very real where I could feel the spirt of my unborn child as if it was me. I could feel her talking to me without words. It felt we were completely connected. If felt like through the prompts that Rose was asking questions that I could actually connect with her soul and really tap into her very being, the essence of her. So when we were able to pose questions the answers were very clear, very concise. They sometimes surprised me. And that’s when I realized it wasn’t me speaking or my intellectual brain doing it, it was the other soul. This is really humbling. This is really amazing. And I just felt a very deep connection with her afterwards. Watch Video

  Chrissi Long 

“Rose lives and breathes the essence of the Divine Mother, not only through her work, but in every aspect of her life. In sessions this translates into the deep, sure and very compassionate holding space that Rose creates. Rose feels trustworthy, and her clients explore their interior worlds with more ease and grace as a result.”

  Robyn Sheldon 

“I have so much gratitude. So much love. That I could reconnect with two babies I lost, 33 years ago. [Rose] guided me to find him. To talk with him. To connect to him. To give him his place in my life and in my family. And to discover that he is more alive than ever. I knew she was the one who could help me to heal that relationship with my baby. I felt her the first day I met her. I felt she was in my life for some reason. And this was a big reason. Thank you Rose. Thank you so much. You are amazing and I am so grateful you are here. You are a gift. Watch Video

  Sophie Hardy 

“While Rosemary’s modality was totally new to me, the gentle and loving space she created in the space of a very short time allowed me to loosen the grip of some long-held blockages and fears, leaving me feeling much lighter, freer, and more grounded in my instincts as I approach the birth of my first baby. I’m immensely grateful for the connection and ease she helped me to access in deep communication with my unborn son, as well as with myself. I hope as many expectant mamas and partners as possible can avail themselves of this gift!”

  Jordan Levinson 

“Thank you so much for your kindness, attention and empathy Rosemary. It radiates from you and is so healing. Thank you once again, I’ll definitely recommend you if I recognise someone who might need it.”

  Mark Rickard 

“Having Rose as my doula has been a blessing. She has a true gift in the work she does. As my antepartum doula, birth doula and postpartum doula, Rose supported me through my journey into motherhood and helped me learn to care for my son with compassion and grace. The hypnotherapy sessions we did before my son’s birth helped me prepare my frame of mind to welcome him, and her guidance during labor was truly invaluable. During my postpartum period her calming presence and encouragement helped me explore my options with confidence and make the right parenting decisions for my family. I recommend her to any pregnant woman seeking a supportive and meaningful doula experience.”

  Beth M. 


As mothers, we yearn to connect deeply with the baby growing inside of us. We long to create fertile ground for our children to bloom both in pregnancy and throughout their lives.

Our innate desire is to parent from a conscious place: a place that best serves and guides the new soul we are courageously birthing into this world.

How do we parent in alignment with these desires? How do we fulfill our duties as aspiring conscious parents; as the vessels of unconditional love our children need us to be?

mother holding baby

Using a fusion of interpersonal hypnotherapy, transpersonal hypnotherapy and soul integration, I facilitate a soul-to-soul connection between you and your child. This lets you experience him or her (or them!) as the magnificent, wise and unconditionally loving beings they truly are.

This soul has chosen you to become their parent. By connecting with them deeply, you will allow them to show you how to best support their journey, both through birth and life beyond the womb.

Through this work, you can step into the fullest expression of yourself as a mother. You can journey beyond the fears, the challenges, and the expectations. You can transcend the subconscious wounds and generational trauma that no longer serve you.

Soul Connection sessions allow you to tune into your higher wisdom, the part of you that mothers with love, confidence and knowing. You will have the space to experience the deep, intrinsic connection that you share with your child.

experience soul connections
Navigating your postpartum journey

Soul Connection sessions offer you a journey into your inner landscapes, and the higher wisdom of your baby's soul.


Schedule a Soul Connection session to connect with the soul-essence of your baby, either online or in-person. Listen to your customized meditation to stay connected with yourself and your child’s highest good after the session. Use your new skills and uncovered wisdom to guide your motherhood journey.

Expectant Mothers
conscious parenting
Loss of a baby
Loss of a baby
the red thread journey
All Soul Connection offerings include session notes, post-session support, an audio recording made just for you based upon the wisdom revealed in your session, and post-session practices to help you deepen and ground your newfound sense of connection. If you are pregnant you will also have my personal support via email, phone or text throughout the rest of your pregnancy, the labor and birth of your baby (as your virtual doula) and throughout your mothering years at no extra cost.

Embody the power of love and begin to fully embrace the sacred journey of birth and motherhood.

experience soul connections