Connect with the soul essence of your baby

through an intimate and transformative journey.

Soul Bonding

Connect with the soul essence of your baby through an intimate and transformative journey.

expecting mother


This session is for mothers or mothers-to-be who want to connect with their baby on a deep, soul level. This includes mothers who are about to adopt or mothers who feel disconnected from their pregnancy and their baby.


In our sessions, we will use symbolic, preverbal language to translate the energies and vibrations from your baby and higher self in a way that is understandable to you.

Not only will you connect with your unborn child, but you will also go through a process of clearing any negative emotions that do not serve you or your baby.

We will go deep into the subconscious mind and, when necessary, clear old dynamics. Our intention is to unearth the stunted emotional energy that is woven into your story. This work unveils the whys of certain behaviors and belief patterns, and once we clear the stuck energy, you can inhabit your body with more presence and connection.

expecting mother

In order to deep dive, I use proven hypnotherapy techniques which relax the body and mind, allowing you to travel through your inner landscapes and symbology. You remain aware of everything that is happening, responsive to my guidance and receptive to your inner experience.

While you will be conscious and able to remember your session, I do write down every detail for your reference. I encourage you to rewrite it for yourself later, to assist the integration between the left and right hemispheres of your brain, which helps the information to be better retained and leads to more insights and connections.

During this session, you will understand what your baby needs to feel supported throughout the pregnancy, birth, and the years beyond. Your child’s purpose will be unveiled, and you will know how to best serve the soul you are birthing into the world.


Like the sun lights up the days of our lives, mothers are the first central light in their children’s lives; mothers are children’s first guides and their link to love and divinity. It’s essential that we understand how we can better serve our child by becoming unbounded by our own past traumas and limitations. By healing ourselves, we can nurture and support our children in their expression of themselves and who they came here to be.

When we do this work, we are able to hold space for our baby to grow into their truest self, guided by their own inner wisdom. We can forge a deeply felt and sacred level of connection between mother and child.

The first years of our existence are the foundation for the rest of our lives. If we begin this work as new parents, or before we even become parents, we can prevent future pain for our children and help create the shift of consciousness they need for a more harmonious future.

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Navigating your postpartum journey
Karen Abe

“I felt the immenseness and depth of the love [my daughter] has for me and the love a child has for its mother, and its parent. It’s funny because as a parent you know now much you love your children, and yet sometimes you don’t really think about how much they love you. You don’t fully receive their love for you. And getting in that moment to really feel and understand, and be completely surrounded by this beautiful feeling of love was very beautiful and impactful. A really treasured moment of my experience and something I have carried with me.”

– Karen Abe