Healing the generations.

The red thread journey

Healing the generations.

The Red Thread is the ancestral thread between past generations of women and their offspring

What do we hold onto from our history that no longer serves us? It’s vital that we let go of the archetypal images of the mother’s magic, the negative mother, our expectations of our children, and the negative male that stops us from standing fully in our own power.

These sessions allow pregnant women to examine their relationship with motherhood and themselves. Together, we will clear what your parents projected onto you that isn’t worth passing on to your children and learn to trust that the higher consciousness of your baby will teach you how to parent well.

expecting mother


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"Rose lives and breathes the essence of the Divine Mother, not only through her work, but in every aspect of her life. In sessions this translates into the deep, sure and very compassionate holding space that Rose creates. Rose feels trustworthy, and her clients explore their interior worlds with more ease and grace as a result."


— Robyn Sheldon

Mother’s House

This session will explore the roles imposed on you as a mother through your own background, your mother’s legacy, and your culture, so that you can release those that no longer serve you. Mothers need to step into their own power, free from stereotypes or preset roles that don’t fit their own needs or the needs of their unborn child.

Conception Session

In preparing for your child’s birth, we’ll return to your own. You’ll go back to the moment of your conception and understand the subconscious energetic imprints passed from your mother and father. Through this, we’ll clear away what no longer serves you as a woman and a mother.

Archetypal Sons & Daughters

What personal hopes and aspirations are you unknowingly projecting onto your child? While it’s natural to hope for your child’s health and wellbeing, many of us cling to personal wishes and dreams for our children beyond that. For us to truly parent our children in the ways they need, we must let go of these aspirations.

Shadow Projection

We need to confront our shadow in order to reclaim it. The shadow contains some basic, healthy elements that society often declares unacceptable, especially in women. Through this process, you will learn to take back your own shadow projections, finding both the good and the bad within them and reclaiming those that support you on your journey into motherhood.

Good Mother/Bad Mother

Our mothers are often a reflection of our own negative projections, their shadow carrying the traits and characteristics we have in ourselves and find unacceptable. Meeting the bad mother gives us the opportunity to look at our own shadow and examine our own negative traits. We want to uncover what we’ve suppressed in regards to the mother, and let go of the good mother/bad mother archetypes.

Reconciling the Whole Person

This session reconciles the whole mother, good and bad, and the whole person, good and shadow. It’s about letting go of the naïve expectations or fantasies about mother/males, in order to accept the self as it is. This means releasing the fantasy of a happily-ever-after, and no longer insisting on being the perfect mother. Ignoring our blind spots is what continues the Red Thread; in recognizing them and integrating them into yourself, you can pass on a healthier future to your children.

Negative Male

The negative male is symbolic of the physical and emotional havoc wreaked on most women. You’ll have the opportunity to express the moments where you have felt betrayed or exploited by a man. In recalling these events, you’ll be able to release the energy used in repressing them and clear what’s stopping you from being in your full feminine power.

We are raised to have men save and protect us. Looking at the negative male and letting go of the archetype takes away that illusion.

Soul Session

To finish the set, you will work to bring what you’ve learned into your center and anchor a higher level of consciousness to continue clearing out the stickier emotional residue. The goal is to imprint those energies into your body so that they can extend outwards into your life as a mother.


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