healing birth trama

Embracing Your Inner Light During Pregnancy

JULY 2024

When you think of pregnancy, you might envision the moon—a gentle, soothing symbol of femininity and the rhythms of nature. Yet, the sun, with its powerful life-giving light, also holds profound symbolism that can beautifully illuminate your journey through pregnancy. As you prepare to “dar a luz” or “give light” to a new life, think of the sun as a vibrant source of nourishment, strength, and transformation.

The sun, our ultimate life-giver, showers the Earth with energy, fostering growth and sustaining life. Throughout your pregnancy, envision yourself as the center of your own vibrant universe, radiating the warmth and energy needed to nourish and support the new life growing inside you, much like the sun nurtures the entire planet.

Each day, the sun rises without fail—bold and brilliant. Its dependable presence can remind you of the resilience you carry within. During moments of doubt or fatigue, visualize your inner light as luminous, capable of dispelling any darkness. This inner strength helps you navigate the challenges of pregnancy with grace and courage.

In various ancient cultures, the sun was revered not just as a celestial body but as a powerful deity, often portrayed as female, representing life, fertility, and motherhood. For instance, in Egyptian mythology, the goddess Hathor was associated with the sun and was considered a protector of women and a symbol of motherly care. Similarly, the Japanese Shinto goddess Amaterasu is the goddess of the sun and the universe, embodying the nurturing and life-giving aspects of the sun.

Drawing inspiration from these maternal figures—warm, nurturing, and vital for life—you can see yourself as embodying these life-sustaining and nurturing qualities, much like the sun goddesses of old. The sun’s daily journey across the sky—rising, peaking, and setting—mirrors the ebb and flow of contractions during labor. Each contraction, like the sun, rises, intensifies, and then diminishes. Visualize your contractions as waves of warm soothing sunlight, each one building up and then gently receding, bringing you closer to meeting your baby. This imagery can transform how you experience each moment, viewing them as powerful yet manageable surges that are part of a natural, beautiful process.

During labor, imagine your body enveloped in the sun’s warm, glowing light. Each intense sensation can be seen as melting into this effulgent light, making the peaks of your contractions more bearable. The warmth and brilliance of the sun can provide comfort and reassurance, reminding you that each wave serves a purpose and brings you closer to the joy of birth.

In the beautiful Spanish language, to give birth is “dar a luz,” literally “to give light.” As your due date approaches, think of yourself as the sun, ready to illuminate the world for your newborn. This moment is not just the meeting of mother and child; it is a celebration of life, your personal dawn, as your love and light burst forth into the world.

Let your inner light guide you, trusting in your power to nourish, nurture, and ultimately bring forth new life. Embrace this time with joy and anticipation, knowing that you are a powerful source of life, shining your light on your baby.

To connect with the inner light within whenever you need to, here is a short breathing exercise:

  1. Sit comfortably or lie down in a quiet place.
  2. Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath in through your nose, imagining a warm light filling your body.
  3. Hold the breath for a moment, feeling the light spreading warmth and peace.
  4. Exhale slowly through your mouth, visualizing any stress or tension leaving your body with the breath.
  5. Repeat this process several times, each time feeling more connected to the vibrant light within you.

May you walk the sunlit path always.


interpersonal hypnotherapist


As a certified birth and postpartum doula, lactation counselor, and hypnotherapist, I specialize in using Hypnotherapy to enhance the childbirth experience. I offer both in-person and virtual sessions to guide you in connecting with a deep inner state of calm and ease during labor, no matter where you are. My sessions in Soul Connections and Clinical Hypnotherapy are designed to release fear and tension, nurturing a profound, meaningful connection with your baby. With my expertise in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and Soul Integration, I help you connect with your inner wisdom, empowering you to become a mindful, present, and spiritually aware parent. My holistic approach supports you in cultivating trust and confidence throughout your pregnancy, birth, and beyond.


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