A doula is someone who’s there for you throughout your birth experience, offering steady support and a calm presence when you need it most. In the noise of modern life, where we are constantly pulled away from the deep wisdom within, taught to question our instincts and silence the natural rhythms of our bodies, birth becomes a return—a reconnection to the primal force that has always guided us.

Research shows that having a doula during labor can make a big difference. Just having someone there who understands what you’re going through can make all the difference. Women supported by doulas are less likely to need interventions like epidurals or C-sections, and they often experience shorter labors with higher satisfaction.

As a doula and hypnotherapist, I understand how our minds can sometimes get in the way during birth. We’re used to thinking, planning, and analyzing, and that can carry over into labor when birth is really a process guided by a deeper, instinctual part of us.

Sometimes, that instinct can feel distant, uncertain, or even hard to trust. My role is to help you quiet your mind and trust your body. Through hypnotherapy, I guide you to release any fears or doubts so you can relax and let your body do what it already knows how to do. You’ll rediscover the strength and wisdom that has always been within you.

Whether you’re expecting your first baby, navigating a multiple pregnancy, or wanting a different experience after a previous birth, I’m here to support you. We’ll create a calm and confident space where you can let your body lead the way, helping you and your baby find your own path to a beautiful, positive birth.


Discover how continuous care, instinctual wisdom, and personalized hypnotherapy can enhance your birth journey. Explore my doula services below.

Loss of a baby
“Rosemary possesses the intrinsic ability to help her clients find wisdom in their fear, truth in their chaos and calm in their overwhelm.”