sacred conception

Ruminations: Love, Gratitude & Presence

MARCH 2023

It really is quite simple, it always is when we open our eyes and see the beauty ever present around us, the everyday mundane affairs become fuel for inspiration, the ordinary becomes food for the inner fire, little drops rippling into moments of bliss in the flesh. There is delight in the expression of who we are, underneath the challenges and struggles there is undeniable joy. 

The illusion of separation is quite thick at this moment, yet it does not take much to pierce the veil and witness the beauty of our times. Things that could have taken decades can now dissolve in the blink of an eye with our loving attention, then the rest, the rest is just living, but we must want to live, we must want to  live in a way that reflects our authentic selves, and then it’s not very complicated.

I feel grateful.

I feel gratitude for the simple expressions of love, for the people who have chosen love as their vehicle and reality, for the people who are in love with love and those in love with each other. I am grateful for children born with care and gentleness, for home cooked food, and home grown herbs and vegetables, for flowers, music, dance, poetry, candlelight evenings, pregnant wombs, stories, sunrises, sunsets, naps, movement, prayer, meditation, smiles, eyes gazing other eyes, old fashioned phone calls, hand written letters in the mail, cupcakes, melted chocolate with strawberries, lavender scented bubble baths, rain showers, walking barefoot in the mud, swimming in the ocean, long walks everywhere, laughter, slow cooked tomato sauce, drumming around the fire, old fashioned shaving with tons of shaving cream, soft and clean bed sheets, red painted toenails, a well ironed dress or shirt, the sound of crickets and grasshoppers, raindrops falling on the tin roof, snow storms, thunder storms, experiences of divine infinity while hanging laundry under the sun, the reassuring warmth of skin, the vastness of the heart, starlit nights and moonglow whispers, secret giggles under the blanket, unexpected embraces, feet touching other feet, little toes running around everywhere, tenderness resting upon my chest, the scent of old books, an old overused white cotton t-shirt, chunky socks in winter, opening doors for others, holding doors for others, ladies first, men first, all genders first, rolling around the grass, in the sand, hour long kisses, cinnamon tea, freshly squeezed orange juice, cake, ripe mangoes from a tree, coconut water, waist, hips, arms, aging, holding, touching, learning, loving one, loving many, following a dream, mountain ranges, empty fields …So much to live for and celebrate, don’t you think? 

In presence all can be loved and cared for, listen to the presence meditation below for a bit of loving to your day.  

With Massive Love,



interpersonal hypnotherapist


As a certified birth and postpartum doula, lactation counselor, and hypnotherapist, I specialize in using Hypnotherapy to enhance the childbirth experience. I offer both in-person and virtual sessions to guide you in connecting with a deep inner state of calm and ease during labor, no matter where you are. My sessions in Soul Connections and Clinical Hypnotherapy are designed to release fear and tension, nurturing a profound, meaningful connection with your baby. With my expertise in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and Soul Integration, I help you connect with your inner wisdom, empowering you to become a mindful, present, and spiritually aware parent. My holistic approach supports you in cultivating trust and confidence throughout your pregnancy, birth, and beyond.


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