Birth as Sheer Pleasure

Birth as Sheer Pleasure

Inevitably, in discussions about unassisted or natural birth, the topic of pain-free birth rolls around. When it does, I wonder if striving for a “pain-free birth” doesn’t inadvertently miss the potential beauty of natural birth itself. I don’t believe birth is meant to be pain-free-in fact, I believe it’s far more than that! I believe, and have experienced, birth to be downright ecstatically, blissfully, orgasmically pleasurable.

Healing Birth Trauma

Healing Birth Trauma

Women who experience birth trauma often feel isolated and misunderstood. Even other mothers—central to a woman’s support network—sometimes can’t really understand, unless they also have experienced firsthand the impact of a traumatic birth.

As I Began to Love Myself by Charlie Chaplin

As I Began to Love Myself by Charlie Chaplin

As I began to love myself … I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”.

Musings – On Purpose

Musings – On Purpose

The question of purpose has always been relevant to me. Is purpose really one thing or is it all? Can I rest comfortably in my fragmented belief of what purpose is and what it is not? Is my purpose to be there and not here? Is my purpose to do that and not this?

An Open Heart

An Open Heart

When I write about the heart and opening the heart, I am not referring to the physical heart, but instead the emotional heart, the deep inner heart. It’s the region of the body where many emotions are concentrated, and are often felt deeply. Some refer to it as the door to the subconscious, and some might even refer to it as the soul.

Ruminations: Love, Gratitude & Presence

Ruminations: Love, Gratitude & Presence

It really is quite simple, it always is when we open our eyes and see the beauty ever present around us, the everyday mundane affairs become fuel for inspiration, the ordinary becomes food for the inner fire, little drops rippling into moments of bliss in the flesh.