Being Born Video Poem

Being Born Video Poem

imagine yourself inside the soft cushioning walls of your mother’s uterus, intimate, safe. imagine your small tender body swimming in an amniotic fluid filled world where all is mostly silent, except for the throbbing of your mothers heart your world dark, warm, wet, soothing, peacefulness surrounding you, Feel your body receptive, sense the pulse of creation -limitless, beautiful, perfect- echoing through the overtones of your small heart

From Womb to World—Birthing Peace & Harmony

From Womb to World—Birthing Peace & Harmony

Our deepest desire is to be happy, to feel at peace and effortlessly content. If we’re on a spiritual path, we’ve learned that lasting peace and happiness is an “inside job.” It’s about recognizing our indestructible essence—the radiant joy at the very core of our Being. This is a happiness that doesn’t depend upon anything else. It’s an inner peace and joy that doesn’t require the body, mind, or world to be any different than it is, right now.

Riding the Wave of Birthing Sensations

Riding the Wave of Birthing Sensations

Giving birth is one of the most meaningful—and intense—experiences of a woman’s life. With loving support from your doula, midwife, doctor, friends, and family, you shepherd the child from womb to a wholly new environment. What a gift! What a miracle! What a sacred adventure!

Teacher, Guru & Best Friend: Your Higher Self

Teacher, Guru & Best Friend: Your Higher Self

Our human experience is an ever changing weave of perceptions, physical sensations, thoughts, and internal images. Each strand of sensory/cognitive experience contributes to the unique tapestry of our lives. But there’s another aspect of our experience that’s often overlooked. It’s overlooked because it’s not a “thing”—not an object or event. It’s closer than close: hidden in plain sight. It’s what we refer to as the Higher Self.

Women, Mothers & Feminine Power

Women, Mothers & Feminine Power

Each woman, and every mother, expresses womanhood and motherhood in an utterly unique way. Like wildflowers growing on a mountain meadow, no two are ever identical. There are, however, commonalities and shared experiences among women and mothers. In particular, there are powerful ways that we can embody and share the blessings of nourishment, love, beauty, and compassion.

All Life Is Sacred, All Births Are Sacred

All Life Is Sacred, All Births Are Sacred

A human life encompasses such a wide range of experience: joy and sadness; ease and agitation; tenderness and triumph; passion and quietude. So, what might it mean to live in continuous alignment with the sacred? Is it possible to see all life and every moment—even the most challenging ones—as sacred?