Sacred Conception: Celebrating the Union of Divine Feminine & Masculine

Sacred Conception: Celebrating the Union of Divine Feminine & Masculine

Our children are our future—and the quality of this future depends upon choices we make now. This is the immense power and responsibility of co-creation!
Learning how to bring mindfulness and conscious intention to conception, gestation, and the birthing process is a beautiful way to bring positive change to our shared world. 

Love: A Doula’s Perspective 

Love: A Doula’s Perspective 

When her journey is honored, and her body and spirit revered. When her life is held sacred and her body witnessed as a vessel for the infinite.
When she moans expressing her will and might, when she trembles in anticipation of new life. When she reaches down to hold the soft, amniotic scented body of her…

Preparing for Motherhood

Preparing for Motherhood

The Yin and Yang of Birth & Motherhood. The womb is a place of creative potency; it is, after all, the origin of life. But, it is also steeped in something enigmatic and unknowable. For many women, this dual nature of the womb – both life-giving and deeply mysterious – mirrors their experiences with birth and motherhood. 

First moments of being a first-time father

First moments of being a first-time father

My heart cracked open. It’s an indescribable feeling. One moment we were two, the next we were three. How does something like that happen? Sure, you find someone, make love, she gets pregnant, her stomach swells, and one day the baby is born. But there’s a definitive moment when it culminates. And nothing prepares you for it.

Healing and Transformation: Parenting Your Inner Child

Healing and Transformation: Parenting Your Inner Child

Our deepest desire—and our birthright—is to be happy: to be in touch with an inner peace, joy, and contentment that remains unaffected by the ups-and-downs of daily life. Yet so often the recipes for happiness handed down to us from our parents or given to us by teachers and through cultural media, are faulty.

Sacrifice: The Heart of Wisdom

Sacrifice: The Heart of Wisdom

The archetype of the mother who sacrifices all for her children is a beautiful one—yet often misunderstood. When it comes to nourishing and protecting our children, what kind of sacrifice is truly beneficial? When is sacrifice noble and wise; and when is it unhealthy? To begin this exploration, let’s take a journey into the realm of etymology…